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  • PetBoardingTokyo

Walking Your Dog on Hot Days: Tips for a Safe and Enjoyable Stroll

Updated: Jun 14

Hello! Daily walks are a highlight for our dogs, but special care is needed during the hot summer days. Today, we’ll share some tips to ensure your furry friend can enjoy their walks even on the hottest days.

1. Choose Cooler Times

Plan your walks for early morning or late evening when temperatures are lower. This helps protect your dog's paws from the hot asphalt or ground.

2. Stay Hydrated

Bring a water bottle and a portable bowl to keep your dog hydrated before, during, and after the walk. Staying hydrated is key to preventing heatstroke. Don’t forget to hydrate yourself too!

3. Find Shade

Select walking routes that offer shade from trees or buildings to avoid direct sunlight. Having a cool spot for your dog to rest will ensure they stay comfortable.

4. Use Cooling Gear

Consider using cooling vests or bandanas to help lower your dog’s body temperature. These items can significantly help your dog stay cool.

5. Check Ground Temperature

Asphalt and concrete can become extremely hot under direct sunlight. Place your hand on the ground for five seconds to check if it’s too hot. If it is, choose an alternative route.

6. Watch for Signs of Heatstroke

Be alert for early signs of heatstroke such as heavy panting, excessive drooling, or lethargy. If you notice these symptoms, immediately move to a cool area and offer water.

Walking your dog on hot days requires a bit of extra care, but with the right precautions, your dog can still enjoy their walks comfortably. Use these tips to ensure a safe and pleasant walking experience for both you and your furry friend.

At our facility, we prioritize creating a comfortable environment for dogs, even on hot days. Rest assured, we take every precaution to ensure safe walks for your pets in our care. Feel free to contact us for more information!

Stay cool and see you in the next blog post!


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